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AE390 Intro to Design
Spring 2015
Alexandria Crouthamel
Alex De Pinho Nunes
Sean Coffey
Here are all the relevant calculations :
Ground Floor Area = 80,000 SF
Site Area = 1,122,000 SF
Number of floors = 211 Total (209 Above Grade & 2 Below Grade), (2 Parking, 14 Mechanical, 46 Spire / Mechanical, 90 Residential, 37 Office, 13 Hotel, 4 Communication & Broadcasting, 5 Miscellaneous)
Total Building Area = 3,330,000 SF
Number of occupants - 3,330,000 SF / (200SF/Occupant) = 16,650 Occupants
Building Elevation Area = 1,100,000 SF Glass / ( 3 Sides ) = 370,000 SF
Assuming that the area of the three main faces is 1/3 the area of the glass used to cover all of the facade
The area for each of the three main faces are nearly the same
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